The 2020 Plymouth County Democratic Party Caucus will be held Monday, February 3, 2020. Sign-in is from 6 to 7 p.m. at each location, with the doors locked at 7 p.m. (you can learn more about the caucus procedure here). Polling and caucus locations do sometimes change from one election to the next so you’re wise to double-check! There are several ways to determine where to vote…
Check Online
The newest and perhaps most convenient way to find your polling location is via Here’s a direct link for Plymouth County residents. The website, paid for by the Democratic National Committee, also allows a person to check their voter registration, register online, or change your voter registration. Neat! They also offer a voter hotline which you may reach by calling (833) 336-8683.
Glance at the Maps
Plymouth County is divided up into thirteen handy and convenient precincts. As most of the county is rather rural, the first ten precincts encompass most of the county, with Precincts 11, 12, and 13 dividing the City of LeMars. Each precinct has its own polling or caucus location which is made as convenient as is possible given the logistics of the situation.
Precinct 1: Akron-Westfield High School Auditorium, 850 Kerr Drive, Akron.
Precinct 2: MMCRU High School Cafeteria, 511 Roosevelt Street, Remsen.
Precinct 3: LeMars Community Middle School Auditorium, 977 3rd Avenue SW, LeMars. (Note – Precinct 3 does NOT include the City of LeMars itself. If you live within city limits please peek at the city map below.)
Precinct 4: Brunsville Legion Post 724 Banquet Hall, 305 Oak Street, Brunsville. (Use the west door please.)
Precinct 5: MMCRU High School Media Center, 511 Roosevelt Street, Remsen.
Precinct 6: Westfield Community Center, 203 Linden Street, Westfield.
Precinct 7: Kissinger Center Ball Room (lower level, to the right), 608 Main Street, Merrill.
Precinct 8: Perry Hownship Hall, 22504 C-60, rural Hinton.
Precinct 9: Hinton Community Center, Bigger Room, 205 West Main Street, Hinton.
Precinct 10: Kingsley-Pierson High School Library, 322 Quest Avenue, Kingsley.
Precinct 11: Willow Creek Banquet Hall, 935 Park Lane, LeMars
Precinct 12: LeMars Community High School Library, 921 3rd Avenue SW, LeMars.
Precinct 13: LeMars Community High School Commons, 921 3rd Avenue SW, LeMars.
If you’d like, you can download a PDF with the above information here. If you have any questions, please let us know or drop us an e-mail.